
Information and Resources

It's hard to know what to do after experiencing sexual violence. You may be hurting, in denial, in shock or unsure what to do next. You may consider reporting, but don't know where to begin. Learning more about what steps you can take following sexual violence can ensure that you get the support you need when you or a friend needs it most. If you or someone you know may have experienced sexual violence, intimate partner violence, and/or stalking, there are resources available to help.

You have the right to be treated with dignity and respect. You have the right to refuse to answer questions if you are uncomfortable sharing. The University encourages any student who has been involved in an incident of sexual assault or harassment to report the incident to the University's Title IX Compliance Coordinator, Public Safety, or the Office of the Dean of Students. You have the right to request that someone be with you during an examination or while filing a report. You have the right to choose whether you want to file a report.

Sexual misconduct is a form of gender-based discrimination prohibited by Title IX and other federal and state laws. Fairfield University does not discriminate on the basis of sex in its educational programs and activities, and has compliance processes in place. Inquiries concerning the application of Title IX may be made to the University's Title IX Compliance Coordinator.

Dylan Gordon
Senior Director, Equity | 203-254-4357

Confidential Resources

University žžÀ² Advocate

žžÀ² Advocates offer free, confidential and comprehensive support services to anyone affected by sexual assault, dating/domestic violence or stalking.
203-334-6154 or
203-333-2233 (24/7)
(sexual assault hotline)

Counseling & Psychological Services

Professional and confidential counseling;  psychologist on-call 24 hours a day by calling 203-254-4090. Counseling available to friends and survivors.
(203) 254-4000 x2146

Student Health Center

(203) 254-4000 x2241

Sexual Assault Relationship Violence and Stalking Care Line

(203) 256-7272


(203) 254-4000 x3405

Survivors Support Group

(203) 254-4000 x2146

The Center for Family Justice

(203) 333-2233 (24/ 7)
(sexual assault hotline)

(203) 384-9559 (24/7)
(domestic violence hotline)

(203) 853-0600

Español Hotline

(888) 568-8332

CT Office of Victim Advocate

(860) 550-6632

Non-Confidential Resources

žžÀ² Ministry

(203) 254-4000 x2241

Public Safety

Provides assistance with medical treatment and assistance in pursuing legal action both on and off campus. Will take a report from a student and a specially trained officer will conduct an investigation which involves asking the student to describe the assailant and what happened. An officer may ask questions about the scene of the crime, any witnesses, and what happened before and after.
(203) 254-4090 (24/7)

Title IX Coordinator, Dylan Gordon

(203) 254-4000 x4357

Office of Dean of Students

William Johnson, PhD, Dean of Students
Allison Berger, Associate Dean of Students
Offers information to students about options through the internal conduct systems, as well as guidance and support regarding academic and housing concerns.
Provides students with details for stay-away orders and other immediate concerns.
(203) 254-4211

Residence Life

(203) 254-4215

911 or (203) 254-4800

Bridgeport Hospital

(203) 384-3566

(confidential) (888) 771-3126

(203) 695-2500

(860) 282-9881

Statewide 24-Hour Toll-Free Hotline

English: (888) 999-5545
Español: (888) 568-8332

Nationwide help for immigration services and benefits
(800) 375-5283

(203) 336-0141

(203) 562-2095

State of CT Office of Victim Services

(800) 822-8428

State of CT Victim Compensation Program

(888) 286-7347

Community Collaborative Resource Team

Our Coordinated Community Resource Team collaborates with community members to promote a healthy and safe campus culture, prevent incidents of gender-based violence and holistically support and empower those affected.

Det. Kerry Dalling
Fairfield Police Department
Karen Donoghue
Karen Donoghue
Vice President, Student Life
Julia Duffy
Julia Duffy
MS, APRN, FNP-BC | Director, Health Center
Will Johnson
William Johnson
Dean of Students, Office of the Dean of Students
Meghan Miller
Senior Associate Director, Athletics
Amanda Posila
Center for Family Justice