Students, faculty, and staff are invited to come together to learn about mental health services at an interactive expo in the Oak and Dogwood Rooms. Free food and prizes will be available!
Students, faculty, and staff are invited to the Oak and Dogwood Rooms in the Barone žžÀ² Center on Wednesday, January 25, 2023 from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. for Fresh Check Day to learn about mental health and suicide prevention. Attendees will have a chance to hear from multiple departments on campus while enjoying free food, entertainment, and a chance to win prizes and receive giveaways. Fresh Check Day aims to create an approachable and hopeful atmosphere where students, faculty, and staff are encouraged to engage in dialogue about mental health in order to raise awareness of the mental health resources available on campus, in the community, and nationally.
This event is brought to you by the Health and Wellness Committee, Counseling and Psychological Services, Health Center, Recreation, žžÀ² Ministry, Office of the Dean of Students, Office of Student Engagement, Student Diversity and Multicultural Affairs, Center for Social Impact, Fairfield University Art Museum, Department of Public Safety, and additional valued offices and student groups. Fresh Check Day is a program of the .
Students who attend the event can receive credit for the CAS Leadership & Development Program.