
Hone Your Teaching Skills

The Center for Academic Excellence (CAE) maintains an extensive website for University faculty and staff that is continually updated with new resources on a wide range of teaching topics. Among other items, the site contains sample syllabi; reference materials on course design, active learning, assessment, and online teaching; and information on, and registration links for, all of our upcoming events. 

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Explore these resources

  • Archived
  • This award-winning tool from Carnegie Mellon provides practical strategies firmly grounded in educational research and learning principles to address teaching problems across the disciplines. Select the problem that best matches your situation and explore possible solutions.
  • Improve student outcomes through meaningful teacher development. 
  • L. Dee Fink's book “Creating Significant Learning Experiences” is a must read for "backwards" design and other brilliant conceptions. (Copies available for loan.) 
  • Course design requires the alignment of three major components: (1) , (2) , and (3) . This Carnegie Mellon site provides the strategies and tools you need.
  • A collaboration of Jesuit institutions sharing resources for online programs, including Competency Assessment in Distance Education (CADE) Workshop -- free for Fairfield faculty.
  • (MERLOT)
    Free and open resource that includes sample assignments, teaching methods, and activities.

  • The Center for Excellence in Teaching & Learning at Kennesaw State University hosts an extensive .
  • upcoming meetings, conferences, institutes, workshops, and more. 
  • brings faculty together for networking and professional development conferences and events.
  • hosts conferences on various topics throughout the year.

  • Association of American Colleges & Universities (AAC&U):
  • Journals published by Miami University, Ohio: